Decupatoare fondant Mos Craciun JEM

Decupator fondant Moș Crăciun JEM


Decupator fondant Moș Crăciun JEM


Dimensiuni : 90 x 43 mm (3 1/2 x 1 3/4 inches)
Material:       plastic
Model:            Moș Crăciun
Bucata            1 decupator fondant

SKU: 117CH022 Categorii: , , , ,


Decupator fondant Moș Crăciun JEM

Caracteristici produs
Dimensiuni : 90 x 43 mm (3 1/2 x 1 3/4 inches)
Material:       plastic
Model:            Moș Crăciun
Bucata            1 decupator fondant

Pentru a curăța, spălați în apă caldă cu săpun și uscați bine.

Nu este sigur pentru mașina de spălat vase.

Add creative festive decorations to your Christmas cakes and desserts, using this Jolly Santa Cutter from Jem!

This cutter is super easy to use, allowing the simple creation of a jolly fellow in all of his festive glory!

Once you have created your jolly Santa, it is the perfect decoration to add to the surface of your cakes, to cupcakes, cookie and more!

Can be used with various mediums, including sugarpaste, fondant, icing, marzipan, modelling paste, gum paste, flower paste, sugar clay and more.


1. Roll out your gum paste or modelling paste in appropriate colours and place cutter in roller pad.

2. Place the paste over the cutter and roll over with a rolling pin to cut out your jolly Santa.

3. Cut out suit in red paste, trims in white, boots and belt in black, then attach to jolly Santa.

4. Trim Santa’s beard and moustache with royal icing.

5. Paint the eyes using food colour.


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