Set 2 sabloane decorare model Copaci vintage

Set 2 sabloane decorare model Copaci vintage


Set 2 sabloane decorare model Copaci vintage


Sabloane flexibil din material plastic durabil transparent.

Se utilizeaza pentru realizarea decorurilor pe: torturi, biscuiti sau prajituri.


Set 2 sabloane decorare model Copaci vintage

Sablon decorative pentru prajituri, biscuiti, cookies

Dimensiuni sabloane:
Modelul 1 3.9 x 5.3cm
Modelul 2 4.8cm x 4.4cm

Sabloane flexibil din material plastic durabil transparent.

Se utilizeaza pentru realizarea decorurilor pe: torturi, biscuiti sau prajituri.

Decorurile cu Sablonul pot fi realizate utilizand:

1- Aerograful si coloranti lichizi;

2- Royal Icing sau crema de unt, in acest caz obtinandu-se decoruri in relief;

3- zahar pudra sau cacao.

Pozitionati Sablonul pe partea laterala sau pe Topul (partea superioara) a produsului. Fixati sablonul pe suprafata produsului, prin introducerea unei scobitori in orificiile existente la capetele sablonului si, fara ca acesta sa fie miscat, aplicati colorantul, cu ajutorul Aerografului, sau Royal Incing-ul /Crema de unt, cu ajutorul unei raschete / spatule.

Vintage Stencils Like No Other 

Multi-award-winning Claire Bowman uses stencils on a day to day basis to create the most stunning projects. Claire has designed these vintage inspired stencils to help achieve beautiful and unique designs to enhance your cakes.

Perhaps you want to create that chic yet shabby vibe for your cake well Claire Bowman’s Vintage Trees stencil should help you get the look. Coming in a set of two, this stencil can be used on the top or at the side of your cake.

Design 1 – H: 1.53inches x W: 2.09inches (3.9 x 5.3cm)
Design 2 – H: 1.89inches x W: 1.73inches (4.8cm x 4.4cm)

Required Ingredients –

15g of Albumen
75ml Of Water
500g Of Icing Sugar

Dissolve 15g of Albumen in 75g of Water. Gradually add 500g of icing sugar and beat on low speed for approximately 10 minutes. If the icing is too thin it will run under the stencil. If it is too thick it will leave hard peaks when taking off the stencil. Test the stencil on parchment paper before using to make sure you get the right consistency.

Applying the Stencil:
To attach the stencil to the top or sides of an iced cake, place directly onto the surface, attach either with the Cake Wrap Kit or lightly wet the surface with water and the stencil will stick and the icing won’t seep under the plastic. Use a trowel or spatula to smooth a small amount of icing or chocolate over the stencil. Gently pull the stencil off the cake.

You can airbrush the stencils or us a flat ended brush to stipple food colour through the designs. Put a small amount of food colour onto a plate, dip your paint brush into the colour and take the excess off on kitchen paper. Dab or swirl over the stencil.

Care of Stencil:
Hand wash with warm soapy water. Hang to dry or lay flat on kitchen paper.


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