Set suport tort anti gravitatie 28 piese Cake Masters

Set suport tort anti gravitatie, 28 piese, Cake Masters


Set suport tort anti gravitatie, 28 piese, Cake Masters


Set suport tort anti gravitatie, 28 piese, Cake Masters


Set suport tort anti gravitatie, 28 piese, Cake Masters

Creați torturi uimitoare cu etaje sau sferice cu acest suport pentru torturi. Cu Cornet de înghețată 3D gigant, supa cu taitei cu betisoare zburatoare si multe altele, posibilitatile sunt nelimitate cu acest set. Suportul poate fi montat în diferite moduri și este reutilizabil.

Dimensiuni placa de baza: 25 cm

1x Platforma pentru tort (Ø 25 cm)
1x Platformă medie (Ø 15,2 cm)
1x Platformă mică (Ø 10,2 cm)
4x tije medii
3x Tije mici
12x capace de golire
1x Tijă de bază
1x Piuliță de blocare
4x inele

Spălați înainte de prima utilizare. Se poate spăla în mașina de spălat vase.

Dimensiuni pachet:

Instructions stacked/multi-tiered cake (giant 3D Ice crean cones):
1. Bake the cake one day before assembling. This way it crumbles less and is easier to assemble.
2. Put the thread of the base rod through the base cake board and fix it with the nut.
3. Cover the holes that are not needed with the blanking caps.
4. Poke a hole in the cake with a suitable cutter or with the help of the rods. To prevent the cake from cracking, you can place a platform under the cake and use it as a guide.
5. To fix the platforms, place a collar with the rim facing upwards under the platform. Place it on the base bar and fix the platform with another rod.
6. To ensure that the upper platform is also stable, the rod must be built the way that it protrudes far into the cake. Be sure to plan for this in your construction.

Instructions sphere cake (flying chopstick noodle soup):
1. Bake the cake one day before assembling. This way it crumbles less and is easier to assemble.
2. Put the thread of the base rod through the base cake board and fix it with the nut.
3. Cover the holes that are not needed with the blanking caps.
4. Poke a hole in the cake with a suitable cutter or with the help of the rods. To prevent the cake from cracking, you can place a platform under the cake and use it as a guide.
5. Choose the small platform as support for a whole sphere at the bottom and the medium platform for stabilization in the middle of the cake sphere. To do this, place a collar with the rim facing upwards under the platform, place it on the base bar and fix it with another rod.
6. Stack the cake, spread with cream and decorate as desired.

1x Base Cake Board (Ø 25cm)
1x Medium Platform (Ø 15.2cm)
1x Small Platform (Ø 10.2cm)
4x Medium Rods
3x Small Rods
12x Blanking Caps
1x Base Rod
1x Lock Nut
4x Collar (rim upwards)


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